That is our starting point at Congruiti.  We make sure we  understand the value you deliver to the marketplace-and what your  customers expect from you. Congruiti takes the time to learn how you do  business and what makes you successful-your unique strengths.  We listen  to your take on the trends and forces that are impacting your business.   Then we use your insights, combined with our perspective, to help you  develop strategies, plans and initiatives that enhance your inherent  strengths and achieve your goals.


That’s a pretty basic question. But in today’s technology  intensive world, it’s one that is critical to your organization’s  success. To a great degree, your systems “run” your business. So  it is absolutely imperative that your organization has the “right”  systems. Congruiti can help your organization answer this key question,  but the answer is often hiding behind other questions and issues such  as: “Does our technology really support the way we do business?” OR  “Technology is one of the most expensive parts of our business…how do  we know we’re getting the full value from our investment?” Or  “Technology is changing so fast; should we be running IT ourselves?”