It’s not as much about your industry as it is the situation you’re in.
Congruiti can improve your effectiveness-regardless of your industry. Congruiti has a proven track record in a wide range of businesses and industries. But aligning your business and technology functions doesn’t require a working knowledge of your industry. It does require the ability to listen to what’s worrying you, assess the situation within your organization-and develop sound initiatives and actions to improve your ability to do what you do-whatever that may be.
In every instance, clarity and trust are the paradigm-and transformation of the organization for the better is the result.
Congruiti is especially valuable to businesses and organizations that are:
Customer Service Oriented The organization that can provide a higher level of customer service and at-your-fingertips information for its customers has the inside track. That requires synergy between technology and strategy-and the people needed to deliver them. Congruiti can ensure that your organization is in a position to manage powerful and profitable customer relationships that deliver your brand promise with every contact and every transaction.
Sales-Force Driven Congruiti can position IT to provide your sales force with the customer information, database and reporting capabilities they need to respond and react to customers and prospects. Congruiti can help you establish a strong connection between IT and business management to enhance the power and effectiveness of your sale force and give you a competitive edge in the marketplace.
Poised for Growth What may have worked for years as the organization grew is likely no longer adequate. There is too much to handle-and your systems and processes simply aren’t cutting it. Congruiti is the perfect partner for organizations in transition-strengthening the alignment of IT and business strategies to help you manage growth effectively.
Managing Multiple Projects Every organization is working to maximize its resources-dollars, people and technology. Knowing what’s in the queue, when it will be completed and how much it costs-those are the challenges when a lean organization is juggling dozens and dozens of projects at one time. Congruiti has helped many organizations get their arms around their multiple-project environment-and bring a greater sense of calm and control to the organization.
Operating a Decentralized Business Model Many organizations put a high degree of management and control in the hands of divisions located elsewhere. This strategy can be very successful, but can lead to “shadow” IT groups popping up within divisions-or the adoption of a wide variety of applications, software and protocols that are impossible to integrate or manage. Congruiti can assess the strategies and technologies in various business units and help develop an overarching IT and business management plan that retains the flexibility and autonomy of the business units-without compromising the effectiveness of the entire organization.
What’s worrying you? Contact Congruiti for an initial consultation.