Question 5 - Most Important Decision Criteria
Now, please review again the Decision Criteria listed BELOW, and your answers to the Questions above.
Decision Criteria - how will our decisions about this request...
(A) Enhance patient care, outcomes and safety
(B) Be fair for all partners
(C) Improve physician work / life balance
(D) Improve partner compensation fairness
(E) Improve financial results
(F) Facilitate good relations among partners
(G) Increase referrals
(H) Enhance our reputation
(I) Enhance working conditions for our staff
(J) Help us build and operate our new cancer center
1) In the Response box below, choose and list by letter (e.g. A, B, etc.) the 4 Most Important Decision Criteria in your opinion.
2) Next, RANK the 4 criteria you chose by distributing 100 points across ALL 4 criteria, giving the most points to the most important criteria.
YOUR ANSWER should look like the following EXAMPLE:
A-50 (points), B-15, E-20, G-15